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Writer's picturePaula Ramsbottom

Newborn MUST Haves

There are so many baby products out on the market and it can become overwhelming sifting through it all to find the best for your baby. It is also dependent on preference of what the parent prefers, but I'm here to share the tried and true things that I love and that worked really well for us. I will also be sharing the things that I think are gimmicky and that are not needed in my opinion.

The Snoo

I cannot recommend this enough. It was actually a life saver and worth every penny. You can rent the snoo, buy it used on Facebook Marketplace, buy a pre-owned snoo from their website, or buy a new one from their website.

The best time to buy the Snoo new is during their once a year Black Friday Sale. The pre-owned Snoo goes on sale a few times a year for about $850 as their lowest. The one I had for Logan, I purchased on FB Marketplace and it costs $750 and I was able to resale it for $700. It really holds it's value for resale!

Infant Lounger

The one we used with Logan is no longer selling on the market and I've noticed others have also been discontinued. This time around I went with the Snuggle Me Organic infant lounger. Whichever one you pick, it is such a nice item to have especially for the first 3 months.

White noise machine

We love the Hatch Light. You can set up the program you want on your phone, switch it at any time and it's also very convenient for middle of the night changes and feedings.

Baby Swing/Rocker

I absolutely love the 4moms macaroons swing. The motion really helps keeep the baby enternatined and calm, and it's very convenient to be able to set them down safely and cook dinner or get some things done around the house. Off course you still have to stay near your baby and engage them, but it's a nice break from holding them.

I know a lot of people may not like to add the consistent motion with their babies, but with how active Logan was he really enjoyed it and kept him at ease.

Infant Support Pillow

This was convenient for myself while breastfeeding, for my husband and any caretaker that was bottle feeding, and overall very great to have.

Bottle warmer

This would be dependent if you plant to breastfeed, use a bottle, or you formula.

Baby Monitor

This is a must especially once your newborn transitions to their own room. The options for baby monitors in my opinion are not the best and they are always expensive since the companies know you need one. We had the Infant Optics and liked it because it wasn't set up to the WiFi and the wide angle lense really helped view the whole room too. Now, the new Infant Optics that came out early 2023 is a game changer in quality!! Very crisp and nicer monitor overall. We also have the Google Nest system and their cameras are great for using through WiFi and they are secured.

Solly wrap

I loved these wraps for keeping baby close to my skin and anyone can use it. I also thought that during the "witching hour" it was very convenient to help baby stay calm and happy.

Baby Carrier

I know everyone raves over the ergo baby, but I personally did not love it. I ended up trying another that had a seat base and it was perfect to support our backs and baby was super comfortable. Once Logan was 5-6mo you can switch them forward facing, and the little seat was so convenient for him to chill with us everywhere.

Another item that we loved too was the Tushbaby, but I wouldn't say it's a must have.

Nail file

The idea of cutting newborn nails was intemidating enough because I know how hard it is to cut dog nails 😅. I really loved the automatic nail file idea and I still use it with Logan and have zero complaints.

Owlet Smart Sock

This was a game changer for piece of mind. We had it when it was the Owlet 2, but now they have launched the Owlet 3 and it's much more advanced. They have also announced an update in early 2024, that will be free to Owlet 3 owners. I love that you can monitor oxygen levels and heart rate. They also have the camera monitor system which we have, but I didn't love it.

Car Seat Protector

We use this to put under the car seat of choice and it has kept and mainained our vehicle to mint condition. Couldn't recommend this enough!

What I Think Was Gimmicky:

-Bottle sterilizers- They take so long to sterilize and if you are pumping, it's much faster to wash everything appropriately by hand with the proper tools.

-Wipe warmer- The idea is nice, but in the end even for late night diaper changes, It was more cumbersome than just using the wipes as is.

-Dishwasher Basket- I got it and it was more of an inconvenience than anything.


There are probably so many more must haves, or things that you will need later as they get older, but I hope this helps for a basic guidelines. I also always recommend organic baby clothes since their skin is so sensitive, Burts Bees, Gap, etc carry great options. If you have any other items you think are must haves or any questions, post a comment below!

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