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Writer's picturePaula Ramsbottom

Left Ovary

Since my hysterectomy, there has been a cyst growing in my left ovary. We've been monitoring every 6 months, and unfortunately it keeps growing. The last time I did an ultrasound in July 2023, the cyst was now measuring 5cm. Usually most people would be in a lot of pain because of this, but without an uterus, it makes it easier for me not to have pain from it.

My oncologist has become worried about this and after talking out all my options, it was decided to remove the left ovary all together. Since these cysts can keep growing and there was only signs of it in my left, it was the best choice to prevent further issues due to my history.

At my normal appointment that I have every 6 months with my oncologist, we do a pap exam along with a full check up. Unfortunately the results from my pap came back abnormal, which hasn't happened since before my hysterectomy. It was a bummer to hear this right before my surgery, but my oncologist added a few extra things to do to my surgery, including a biopsy to see if we needed any further treatment on that regards.

Most people don't realize that you only need one ovary to be able to produce hormones and enter menopause. So by removing just my left, I'm still able to have my normal hormones working for my body 😊 that was a big deal to me.

The surgery was very successful, and now we just wait one week to see the findings from the abnormal pap biopsy, and I hope everything is good. If for some reason more things pop up, I know I have the best support system with my husband, family and friends, and the best Gyno oncologist there is in Colorado.

All of this can be very scary because I truly hoped this would be the last thing I'd have to do. And honestly, I thought that after the hysterectomy. But I'm as strong as they get, and I'll surpass all of this and enjoy the welcoming of our new baby boy and continue to watch the most amazing little boy grow, my sweet Logan 😍

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