Rich and I were excited to be able to attend the anatomy scan! Rich had missed seeing Logan's because of Covid restrictions at the time, but being able to be there for baby Victor's was very special ❤️
We met our GC and her obgyn office and after seeing the scan, everything looked fantastic! They printed us a bunch of pictures, and little baby was measuring ahead by 5 days!
Anatomy scans are one of my favorites because you can see their toes, legs, arms, little hands, spine, heart, All the fluid, and everything else. It's so impressive to me that science has advanced to this point, and it's a blessing that our little boy is in there holding on strong.
The following day we also were able to meet with the actual OB and he will be the delivery doctor also. It has been a great experience so far as far as being welcomed as the intended parent and included in everything. Our GC has truly been the best and making this our journey and letting us be part of all decisions.
Once we got home we showed Logan the pictures, and even though it's hard for him to understand what it all means at this time, he has been getting very excited for his little brother to get here ❤️❤️
